by Hai Nguyen | May 27, 2020 | The guides |
There is a question which always needs to be answered before starting the integration: Who will handle guest payment of a booking? If sales channel handles guest payment of a booking, we call it “Sales channel is merchant of record”. If Your.Rentals...
by Hai Nguyen | May 27, 2020 | The guides |
Once contract is signed, partner will be set up in Your.Rentals system as a Sales channel. Sales channel ID which is a 4-charater-long string will be assigned to partner. This will be used in Quote or Booking API later, so we will know which platform the booking (or...
by Hai Nguyen | May 27, 2020 | The guides |
Your.Rentals provides two environments: development and production. Your have to receive access tokens from us in order to access them. The test environment, located on, is used for testing during integration phase. A set of demo listing...
by Hai Nguyen | May 27, 2020 | The guides, Booking |
When sales channel is merchant of record, booking will always be in status confirmed or pendingConfirm (as sales channel guarantee payment towards Your.Rentals). confirmationUrl is booking confirmation page for sales channel, while paymentUrl is the page where sales...
by Hai Nguyen | May 27, 2020 | The guides, Booking |
When Your.Rentals is merchant of record, payment is required in order to have confirmed booking. Your.Rentals only accepts credit card payment via API. Example 1 Payment is successful, booking is in confirmed or pendingConfirm status (depending on bookingType of the...
by Hai Nguyen | May 27, 2020 | The guides, Booking |
To create a booking via API, all information such as travel dates, number of adults/children, property which guest wants to book, payment, etc have to provide. If successful, booking reference (booking id) and its status will be returned. Otherwise, error message will...